Monday, April 04, 2005

Voting time again...

Looks like Lincoln's primary election is tomorrow (April 5th). After doing some research, I've compiled a (small) list of who's getting my vote. (Research? You mean we aren't supposed to believe everything they say in the ads on TV? Wow!)

For Lincoln City Council:
  • Dan Marvin (D)
  • Ken Svoboda (R)
  • Terry Werner (D)
Yes, they're all incumbents. But they're incumbents that have voted favorably on a couple of important issues--the Antelope Valley Project (AVP) and Lincoln Smoking Ban. Lincoln--and especially the University of Nebraska--needs the AVP to eliminate downtown (and citywide) congestion. Upon completion, overall traffic flow will be diverted around campus instead of through it. Furthermore, there will be a new waterway running just to the northeast of campus, and east of downtown, which will provide for greenspace and hopefully kindle some economic redevelopment of the area.

As for the smoking ban, well, let's just say this is one of the greatest pieces of legislation to come out of this town in a
long time...

For District 3 Board of Education:
  • Barbara Baier (D)
Baier seems to realize how important schools are for society and seems hesitant to cut programs--especially arts and other electives. She even wants to alter the landscaping of the schools to native species, which would definitely lower upkeep costs. How's that for thinking "outside the box?" (At least for Nebraska...) Furthermore, she apparently is a supporter of homosexual, bisexual, and transgender rights. Baier sounds like a pretty good choice to me.

Now get out there and vote, damnit!

Find your polling place and other pertinent info here.


At Monday, April 04, 2005 10:57:00 PM, Blogger erin johnson said...

i wonder if there is any correlation between the Antelope Valley Project and the movie Aliens v. Predators. they both = AVP, leaving Antelope Valley Project = Aliens v. Predators. how's that for a math proof. haha, jk. i like the idea...glad you joined the blogging world too. now you can vent all your political/computer frustration somewhere. :D


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