Friday, May 13, 2005

Random musings

Banquet frozen chicken nugget dinners suck ass. Chicken nuggets are not meant to be made of dark meat...

Does anyone at all seem to remember food spoiling at astronomical rates when they were kids? It seems every day my parents threw spoiled food out of the fridge. Now I'm having a hard time getting food to spoil at all! I swear the shredded cheese I have should've gone bad weeks ago! And I've never seen tortillas last as long as mine have. As for the five remaining "Grade A Large Eggs," it seems like those have been around since Christmas! Maybe I'm losing it...

And finally, the freezer is not a microwave. I repeat, the freezer is not a microwave...

P.S.: Along a similar tangent, the piano is not a table. Bonus fake points to anyone who knows where that's from...


At Friday, May 13, 2005 1:08:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

of Course I know where that's from. The table is not a piano, either.

At Friday, May 13, 2005 6:37:00 PM, Blogger erin johnson said...

mr. bradley?? french?? any of our band directors??

At Friday, May 13, 2005 11:11:00 PM, Blogger « ÑàtéF®øg » said...

Kind of an alto section inside joke... The practice rooms we used in WMB for band camp one year had stupid signs on the piano saying "THE PIANO IS *NOT* A TABLE!" So we made fun of them. Heh.

At Wednesday, May 18, 2005 8:11:00 PM, Blogger erin johnson said...

oh, damn.


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