Thursday, May 19, 2005

A Saga Completed

So... To add my little voice to the thousands--if not millions--of "WOW! JUST SAW STAR WARS!!!!!1!!1!...1" blog posts that are bound to be tallying up even as I type right now...

Saw Star Wars Episode III in Omaha tonight. What can I say? It's brilliant, thrilling, dark, and woefully tragic. Yet it's also dumbfounding, dull, and overly humorous at the same time. I find it impossible to summarize at this point--it's way too early in the morning for that. Perhaps later. Maybe after seeing it a couple of times I'll be able to come to a more definitive conclusion... It certainly has caused the greatest response in me that I can recall a movie ever having...

Village Pointe is an awesome theatre, by the way...


At Thursday, May 19, 2005 4:48:00 PM, Blogger erin johnson said...

sometime, we must hold a marathon of star wars thingies so i can see all of them.

At Friday, May 20, 2005 2:35:00 AM, Blogger « ÑàtéF®øg » said...

Yah. Just make sure you block off 15 hours total, haha.


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