Monday, February 12, 2007

RIP, Molly Ivins

Molly Ivins, acclaimed progressive columnist, recently passed away. Below is a piece from her editor's tribute.
Molly Ivins is gone, and her words will never grace these pages again -- for this, we will mourn. But Molly wasn't the type of woman who would want us to grieve. More likely, she'd say something like, "Hang in there, keep fightin' for freedom, raise more hell, and don't forget to laugh, too."

If there was one thing Molly wanted us to understand, it's that the world of politics is absurd. Since we can't cry, we might as well laugh. And in case we ever forgot, Molly would remind us, several times a week, in her own unique style.
She will be sorely missed.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

George Carlin on god. . .

On god:

On the ten commandments:

Have truer words ever been spoken?