Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Creationism Museum?

First, read the article.

Now, laugh hysterically.

At best, creationism science or theories are nothing more than oxymorons. Taking creation theology and calling it science is a dangerous thing...

No further comment...


At Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:39:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if I should bust out laughing or be very, very sad at the thought of such a "museum."

At Wednesday, May 25, 2005 1:50:00 PM, Blogger « ÑàtéF®øg » said...

I almost want to go to it just so I can get kicked out when I make the tour guide look like an idiot...

At Thursday, May 26, 2005 8:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I debated a creation "scientist" once when I was going to church in Omaha. His evidence was sketchy, vague, and oftentimes he had to invoke the divine when he couldn't
explain something with cold hard facts. Most of them are good public speakers which helps them persuade people who already lean towards their ideals. That's all they are, though.

At Thursday, May 26, 2005 6:48:00 PM, Blogger erin johnson said...

why is life such a debate to you guys? it's pathetic.

At Thursday, May 26, 2005 7:06:00 PM, Blogger « ÑàtéF®øg » said...

One of the unique things about humanity is the ability to improve itself through a constant quest for knowledge.

What's so "pathetic" about that?

At Friday, May 27, 2005 10:25:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I don't appreciate being called pathetic for debating a creation "scientist", I suppose it is not an unexpected reaction from you, Erin.

The point is that creationism cannot be supported with science. I choose to press some of them on their statements instead of just accepting it on faith.

If one believes in creationism, more power to them. It takes faith and cannot be based on science, which is in contradiction with the creationism theory. I know that creationism is your view on how we got here, however, I've never attacked you or judged you on this belief. I do not consider you less of a person for your belief, but I do consider you less of a person for attacking me about mine.

Frankly, I expected more from you. We should be able to have a mature discussion without you being childish and insulting.


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