Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Impeach Regent Hergert!

I'm currently feeling very energetic and politically minded... I just got done sending e-mails concerning Regent Hergert to the North Platte Bulletin and North Platte Telegraph, as well as Senator Don Pederson of North Platte (Dist. 42).

I strongly urge everyone to contact their state senators and local newspapers and urge them to keep up the pressure on Hergert.
Tomorrow, I'll likely be typing and printing out letters to the members of the Board of Regents encouraging them to put pressure on Hergert. I'll also be sending letters to Senators Chris Beutler (Lincoln, Dist. 28), Ernie Chambers (Omaha, Dist. 11), and Ed Schrock (Elm Creek, Dist. 32) applauding them for their honorable efforts to remove Hergert from the Board of Regents.

Cosigners on the letters are very, very welcome!

More to follow, I'm sure...

(Image © Neal Obermeyer)


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